2022 OMUN

Earlier this month, some of our students and staff traveled to Columbus to participate in Ohio Model United Nations (OMUN).  OMUN is a  three-day global education simulation experience that allows students to learn more about the complete operations of United Nations.  OMUN is a school-based program sponsored by Ohio Leadership Institute whereby students attend as teams/groups from participating schools representing one of the member nations of the UN.

We want to thank our students for representing Valley High School at OMUN this year as well as OMUN Advisor, Mr. Perry, and Mrs. Shope for a great job.  For more information about OMUN, click here.

Team Tonga:  Camry Carpenter, Grace Keating, Colt Buckle, Micah Bradshaw, George Arnett, Ellie Wright, Hali Miller, Morgan Stewart

Team China:  Tyler Carver, Jose Maldonado, Jagger Hall-Loftin, Chris Queen, Kason Bauer, Bryce Greene, Quincy Chambers

Team Zimbabwe:  TK Sparks, Tristan Wood, Noelle Smith, Kaitie Rolfe, Sydney Paul, Miracle Sammons, Adrian Keeran (also pictured Superintendent, Scott Rolfe)

OMUN Council Presidents:

Kaitie Rolfe and  Noelle Smith are newly elected presidents along with outgoing president, Grace Mowery